Hair Donation Cuts! 3 Things You Need to Know Before a Haircut

I am a hairdresser who specializes in short, bobbed hair with a light and soft feel.
Positive atmosphere
A softer atmosphere.
More beautiful…
We are happy to offer you these suggestions.

Hair Donation Cuts! 3 Things You Need to Know Before a Haircut

A customer asked me this question.

I am thinking of doing hair donation next time.
What will happen after the buzz cut?

A cut of more than 31 cm, like the Hairdonation cut, is like a different person!

We will discuss three things you need to know before you make the cut.

Then it is

It can be a little bit curly.
You should change shampoo.
It will take more time and effort in the morning.


Sometimes I get kinks in my hair.

When it is long, the thickness and weight of the length pulls it down and settles the kinks.

But when it runs out, it can come out like a bounce at once.

It is said that about 80% of people living in Japan have curly hair.

In other words, most people’s hair will become so when it is cut!

There are many ways to eliminate it.

If you are worried about your peculiarities…

Among them

Straightening iron
・ Straight perm or hair straightening

It is a good idea to do so!

Don’t use the same shampoo.

The same shampoo used for long hair and the same shampoo used for short hair or bob may not be a good idea.

In particular, it is not a good idea to use a moist shampoo when you have long hair and use it after you cut your hair!

If you use it…

It will be flat.
It will be sticky.

may cause the page to be flat or sticky.

After a clean cut, a smooth or sculpted type of hair will be the perfect match!

It takes time in the morning.

Even if you have long hair and you have a lot of sleeping habits, you can tie it up and it will look great!

But it’s a different story when you have shoulder-length bobbed hair or short hair.

It’s not fashionable to keep your hair up and out of bed!

To set your hair, wet it, hit it with a hair dryer, and then put something on it.

There is that process!

If it’s a busy morning, you have to get up earlier than before to make time to relax!

Long is not the same as bob or short.

Long hair takes time to shampoo and dry.

If it is short, it can be done easily.

However, there is this.

It is good to know!

You should change your shampoo.
You should change your shampoo.
It will take more time and effort in the morning.

Sometimes it doesn’t happen in the long run.

It will be easier after the makeover if you keep these things in mind before you cut your hair!





Amity アミティ

島根県出雲市塩冶有原町5-51 三谷ビル

Amity, 5-51mitani Bld., Enyaariharacho, Izumo-shi, Shimane, 693-0023, Japan

平日 土日祝 9時 〜 18時

Open: 9:00 am Close: 6:00 pm



Monday and Tuesday
